In order to best suit your unique needs, we provide a comprehensive menu of medical services. We can help you keep track of all the medications you take for diabetes, asthma, or any other health issue.
In addition, our pharmacists will check your medications once a month for accuracy and to make sure no problems have arisen. We will work with the patient (or their caretaker), the treating doctor, and the pharmacy to make sure that medications are filled on time and that any necessary medical advise is followed. Once a month, we take stock of our medication chest and double-check for any missing items, prescription interactions, or unnecessary therapies. We also check to make sure nothing is out of date. Pharmacy will coordinate with your doctor's office to reorder refills when they're needed, and they'll deliver your medications to your house for a little fee or at no extra charge. Vitamins, both those found in nature and those available without a doctor's prescription, are one such useful supplement.
Taking good care of your feet is a crucial part of managing your diabetes well. Diabetics do have a much higher risk for serious foot problems. Diabetics are more prone to need hospitalization than the general population owing to foot issues. An infected foot ulcer caused by poorly fitting shoes might lead to the amputation of the afflicted toe or foot if left untreated. Some research suggests that the risk of getting foot ulcers can be mitigated by wearing shoes designed for people with diabetes.